Oct 15, 2009

* I'll get around to it someday !!!

Someday Syndrome : -   not doing what you want to because you don’t know what it is, because you’re procrastinating about it, or because you have too much stuff getting in your way.

Everyone suffers from Someday Syndrome at some point in their lives, often catching it repeatedly.

"I'll get around to it someday" means putting off what you want to do, thinking you'll have all the time in the world to do it later.

Do you procrastinate? Do you have a list of things that you plan to do and yet never actually get them done?

You put pressure on yourself to get them done. You've tried deadlines, making yourself accountable to someone else, and even read all the blogs and books you can find on motivation and action.

And yet your Somedays stay Somedays without a single action taken.

Do you want to know why?

It's not what you think. It's not because you're a lazy person. It's not because it's someone else's fault. And it's not because you honestly will get to it later.

Procrastination comes from one of three things:
• Disinterest
• Inertia
• Fear

Those are the only reasons why people say "I'll get around to it someday" and if you can overcome those three blocks, you'll never say that again.

And just how do you overcome these blocks? With passion and a clear idea of what you want, then making a commitment and following through.

Simple, no?

No. Not simple. If it were so easy to do, the word procrastination wouldn't exist in our language.

Here's the truth:

It's hard to get started and it's hard to stay focused long enough to see things through to the end.

"Don't fool yourself that important things can be put off till tomorrow; they can be put off forever, or not at all."
     [ Mignon McLaughlin, Author & Journalist (1913-1983)]

The problem is life is full of options. It's easy to come up with a few things you want to do. The real desires, however, often hide under the surface, so we need to push ourselves to figure out what really excites us.

There are many things we could, and want to, be doing… but so many things that we aren't doing. A friend told me about an exercise he did: he wrote down a hundred dreams and is now working on all of them. I laughed, thinking there was no way I could come up with a hundred things I'd like to do someday.

Then I started. And guess what? I got to one hundred without a problem. Some were steps within larger dreams and some were a bit out there (like buying a two-million Euro villa that I love), but they are still my 'Somedays.'

Of course I can't do all of them at once. Oprah Winfrey is credited with saying, "You can have it all, you just can't have it all at once."

But, you know what? That doesn't matter. Without knowing what you want, you have nothing (or if you do have things, it's either stuff you don't want or stuff you've achieved accidentally). That's why I'm a big advocate of writing down what you want. I've always done it, but never quite as ambitiously as brainstorming one hundred dreams.

In a list of a hundred dreams, you need to be self-centered. Too often, especially when there are others in our lives, we want things for them. That's not a 'Someday.' Doing something with someone is a 'Someday.' Deciding things for them is also not a 'Someday;' it's an expectation and no one has the right to decide someone else's 'Somedays' for them.

Many of us feel that we have no options, that we're stuck in a life of 'should' and 'need.' This list opens up the options: Once we know what we want, we can then figure out how to achieve them.

So, what Somedays are you not getting around to?

Get Yourself a "Round To it"

Do you know what you want out of life? Are you pursuing it? Or do you reach the end of each day frustrated by the lack of progress on your dreams?

Your days are full and you're exhausted by the time you fall into bed and yet your dreams stay exactly where there were, not moving even a half-step forward.

You tell yourself that tomorrow you'll get started (or finish up) your dream projects, but deep down you know that's not going to happen. Instead you'll continue doing what you do every day and nothing will change.

It's not easy breaking habits and patterns of behavior and thought. It takes strength, commitment and a plan to break away and do what you need to do.

But if you want to achieve your dreams, you have to get started. You have to stop saying someday and start taking action – even the tiniest of actions!

And with that comes the next problem: What action? On which dream? Do you even really want what you think is your dream or is it the dream of someone else?

Much better to just sweep it all under the carpet and pretend your dreams don't exist.

But dreams do not go away that easily. They keep nagging at you, demanding attention and the frustration builds until you feel like snapping.

It would be easy to quote Nike and say: Just Do It, but if it were that simple Someday Syndrome wouldn’t exist. Here are some key ways to cure Someday Syndrome so that you don’t need to suffer through a cure.

Steps :-

* Be you. This is the happiness project’s number one happiness commandment. Maybe you’re not doing something because in reality, it doesn’t fit with who you are. If so, dump the idea and the expectations that likely came along with it, and go find something that suits you better.

* Clear out the junk. If you don’t know what would suit you better, it could be because your mind and emotions are all cluttered up. If your mind’s in chaos, how could you possibly make a clear decision on getting rid of your somedays? The clutter includes the negative thoughts (like thinking that you would never be able to run more than 30 minutes without dying), or negative attitudes (saying to yourself "I'm too lazy to run").
*How to Overcome Procrastination Using Self Talk
*How to Be Optimistic

* Know what you want. And why you want it. If you are going cure Someday Syndrome, you’ll need to know details about that desire and the reasons behind it. And if you don’t know what that is, the blogosphere is full of blogs ready to help you figure out your dreams.

* Make a grand plan. “Grand” because this is the big picture plan. Don’t get carried away. Planning can feel like action, but really it’s no different than talking. Until you actually do something, you’re still procrastinating. Starting is more important than getting into detailed plans.

* Take one step at a time. The only details you need to choose at this point is first steps. Don't get overwhelmed by details. Just focus on just the next two or three things that you're going to do.

* Ignore the rest. That’s right. Ignore everything else in the goal except what you’re working on. We often use comparisons of where we are now to where we want to be as a form of procrastination. While checking in is always a good thing, we can do it when each small task is completed, and not in the middle of a task. When you're in the middle of my current activity, don’t think about what’s coming up next week. Why would you want to freak yourself out?

* Get help. Daniel Gilbert in his book Stumbling on Happiness, says that the best route to figuring out if our goals will actually make us happy is to talk to others who have done it. Also try to be lazy when you can be, so if someone else has done the work, then there’s no need to waste your time reinventing the wheel, now is there?

* Don’t compare. Be careful when you get help, because the dream-shattering tendency to compare lurks nearby.

* Be uncomfortable. Judith Sills in her book The Comfort Trap, or What If You’re Riding a Dead Horse? talks about how we might be terribly unhappy, but we’re comfortable so we don’t do anything about the unhappiness. Happiness is a risk, but the current situation even if it’s painful is safe. Which would you prefer? Comfortably in pain and unhappy or uncomfortably blissful?

* Celebrate the process as well as the end. Acknowledge your progress. Use your FaceBook, blogs, other means to write about the progress. Tell others. And in turn, this sharing inspires others and helps them move past their own Somedays and toward achieving their goals.

* Don’t stop at the easy point. Wait a second. It's important to push yourself just a little bit further than you think you can go. Commit beyond your initial goals. While you’re celebrating and taking it one step at a time, come up with one unexpected action you can take that’ll add energy, excitement and a bit of fear to your goal. That bit of fear will probably be the best motivator you’ve ever found.

By Alex Fayle

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